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Corps members sensitise youths on hard drugs

     Members of National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) Community Development Service
(CDS) group of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Lagos have held a sensitisation rally to educate the public on the dangers of hard drugs.
The event , which was held in Ojota, had the objective to create awareness on the consequence of intake of hard drugs and how it affects body system.
The procession took off at New Garage Bus Stop. The Corps members moved round the streets and main road, talking to the youth and commercial drivers. The use of hard drugs, the admonished, endangers lives and wellbeing. The Corps members ended the rally at Ojota Bus Stop.
Maureen Achugbu, a member of the CDS group, said some youths promised to change during the rally. She said: “We met some youths, who confessed to be using hard drugs and they promised to change after we educated them on the danger such conduct portends for their lives.”
President of the CDS group, Olaitan Ogunwande, said: “Our aim is to sensitise Lagosians on the harmful effects of drug abuse. We have achieved some level of success but we hope to organise more sensitisation rallies in other cities, so that youths will drop the habit.”
He said group had held rallies in areas, such as Surulere and Ojuelegba, adding that the Corps members intend to hold similar event in Mosun Okunola Local Council Development Area (LCDA) in Ipaja.
The Lagos commander of NDLEA, Mr Aliyu Sule, who was represented by a principal staff officer in Drug Demand Reduction Unit, Mrs Titilayo Ogunluyi, hailed the Corps members for the event, saying it would complement the agency’s effort to reach out to the public in eradicating use of harmful drugs

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