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9 JAMB Success Tips To Beat CBT Hands Down!

Are you ready to read 9 JAMB success tips to beat CBT hands down? If NO, then its unfair on yourself :(. But if YES, then don’t be like those who jump off the cliff without looking beneath for thorns; lest you fail along and crash the way they did.
This article has been carefully written by an expert. With several years of experience in guiding candidates to write and pass public examinations, you can tap from his wealth of experiences and set your path to success; who said people no longer score 300 in JAMB? Just before you find out how, take time to count a few DON’Ts that qualify you to read these CBT killer secrets.

Don’t read this if…

1. You want to fail.
2. You are not ready to study for your exams.
3. You believe runs as the only way to score high in JAMB CBT.
4. You DON’T want to assist your loved/younger ones pass JAMB.
5. You don’t believe in yourself.
6. You hate reading long, useful articles.
You may read this if…
1. You need to scale through JAMB 2015 CBT.
2. You crave & taste for success.
3. You love yourself and want to impress your family.
4*. You love you loved ones and wish to help them pass JAMB.
5. You want to be among highest scorers in JAMB 2015.
6. You want to be the next BIG thing on campus by 2016/17.
But wait: What if I am not a JAMBite? Then the text lines in nos (4 & 4*) above. Now let’s get started with some refined JAMB success tips.

How To Beat JAMB

1. You Must Have a plan: Just like no strong building can stand without a plan, you plan to fail when you fail to plan. Decide now on subjects to write and sequence to start them when you enter the hall. It is advisable to start with subjects you know better and those without much calculations. Deal with them first, then tae your time and face the hard nuts. While doing this, remember that all JAMB questions carry almost equal marks. So answer the ones you know better. You plan must also include knowing your center, how to beat traffic and arrive there on time before accreditation start. Our check list for JAMB preparation has the rest in this category. 
2. Remember the statistics: You have only about 295,095 chances (about 20%) of passing JAMB and gaining admission in 2016/2017. Available statistics show that you are sitting for this Computer Based Examination with other 1,475,476 candidates from across and across Nigeria. Candidates from Ghana, Cameroun, Ehiopa, Togo, Benin Republic will write same exam with you. So it’s as serious as that and you need to sit up!
3. Get Study Materials: This examination is computer based. Practicing by reading your paper back JAMB Past Question is good, but not the best. You are to practice with computer or at least mobile phone – online or offline. Don’t you think it’s penny wise pound foolish absconding to spend just a thousand naira to get materials that will help you scale through? Even heaven help those who help themselves. And there you are close to your success.

4. Learn to control your time: Yes you need to keep track of it. the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) will set 250 hot questions for you to tackle in 3 hours. You need to master the use of time and know how to stick without slipping off. 
5. Try to be selfish this time: I know this sounds unbelievable that I am advising you to be selfish, but YES am damn serious! This a time for you, YOURSELF! Discard any distraction from friends, family, etc that could infringe into your study time. Make this period just for you, and see the outcome. Friendship can continue when success is achieved.
6. Should you borrow a Computer? Brilliant! If you no one in your house has a computer you can use to install the practice software and revise at will, borrow from trusted neighbourhood, or school mates. They will be glad to help, and this is the time you need them most. No more computer games and the likes. It’s time to study dear! # continue with the rest of 9 JAMB success tips.
7. What if I can’t get Computer? It’s simple, you have a phone that can browse. Channel the airtime you (waste) spend to chat with friends to free online CBT practice.
8. Keep documents handy: You will need your exam print out, and a few other things as listed in the photo card. Get all of them ahead of time and try to memorize your registration number. Make photocopies where need be and make sure you aare lacking nothing. Eat and read each day till the D day. Do this once and for all, and with prestige.
9. Make us your friend: This website (www.students.com.ng) was built for you, we had you in mind and we were so sure there are need for proper guidelines and free education consulting. This site is informative and we update daily. You need us for your Post UTME and Admissions, and we never let you go until you become a father/mother, where your children take over from you ;). So write our website down (www.myedunaija.blogspot.com) and make it your home. let’s lead you to success!
Let me know if you need any help.

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