MUST READ: Advice To Post Utme Students
A lot of candidates we have encountered always have poor information about how the exams they are going to write will play out; they have no clue of how many questions they will be asked, or what form of examination they will be subjected to, this is why background check is paramount.You should know beforehand whether you are writing a paper based test or a computer based examination, your background check will help you know how much time is allocated to your paper, this will help you in your studies as you can time yourself as you practice questions you come across and hence give you an edge over thousands of
candidates who only find out about the time allocated to the paper just minutes before the exam commences.Also you should check to know the terrain of the school, if possible travel to the school and ask around, where are you going to lodge before the exam? ensure you have somewhere to lodge a day or two before your examination, many students take this for granted but it affects them negatively and their result non the better, if you did not sleep and rest well before going for an important exam such as your post-utme you could find yourself stressed and uncomfortable prior to the start of your examination and you might not get to give your best or get the best result.Ask yourself this; did I do well in jamb because I was more at home while writing the examination? If your answer is yes then you should do your background check and make yourself more at home prior to writing your post-utme.
Finally try to find and lay your hands on any information you can about your school and department of choice because a simple piece of information e.g knowing required subject combination, could prove the difference between you and the next naïve. TWO: SET YOUR TARGETYour background check should tell you what the cut-off mark of your department of choice is, hence your action point; You have to set a target for yourself and determine in your heart that you can achieve it, then work towards it and believe me you will achieve it and even surpass it if you follow these steps. Make sure the only thing that removes sleep from your eye is how to successfully meet your target score, study! Study!! Study!!!Ensure that whatever target you set is above what you scored in JAMB because you will need to better your performance in JAMB to ensure that you make the merit list of your department and school.STEP THREE: STUDY WITH PAST-QUESTIONS My dear candidate please do not deceive yourself, no one is an island of knowledge, don’t expect to pass your post-utme in flying colors; like we said in the background check if you do not have a clear understanding of the questions you are going to face and what likely areas your questions might come from then you might just not meet your target.So please do your best to lay your hands on relevant past-questions that apply to your school and department and study with them. As you do the sky will be your stepping stone.STEP FOUR: FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!I have seen students who prepared hard for post-utme but didn’t get the chance of writing their examination simply because they just didn’t follow a simple instruction; imagine a case where a candidate was sent out of an examination hall because he was caught using a calculator where the instructions clearly abhors such, or another case where a female student was sent home from the post-utme exam venue for indecent dressing. :Top Ten Books Every Nigerian Should ReadThe list is endless, so dear candidate we advise that you follow every instruction given by your school of choice before, during and after the examination.Read every question carefully beforeyou attempt to answer and DO NOT spend too much time on one question. Make sure you read the instruction on the question paper and answer each question accordingly.STEP FIVE: INVOLVE GOD No matter your target in this world if God does not approve of it you are definitely heading nowhere, on that note we urge you to pray fervently to your God regarding your post-utme and your admission in general, no matter your religion do not underestimate the divine power of your maker, involve your maker and Ipromise you are on your way to success. Cheers!!
Naijaschoolnews Admin
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