Sunday, March 16 2025
Breaking News

FUTO Loses Two Students To Death Within A Week

Tragedy struck the Federal University Of Technology, Owerri as the University loses Two Students in a week.

It has been reported that one of the Students died of a Centipede bite, while the other died of a bike accident.
                The Student That Died Of Centipede Bite

                 The Student That Died Of Bike Accident

A student of the University (Name Withheld) took to his Facebook to write a tribute for the deceased persons and advised other students on the need to be careful while using the newly completed Eziobodo Futo road.

He said "May the soul of the young man (an accident victim along Futo Road) rest in peace Amen.

An advice for those of you staying at Eziobodo, when walking along Futo road, be as vigilant as possible.

Always walk opposing the traffic flow. In other words, always keep left when going on the road instead of the usual keeping to the right. Let me put it this way, don't walk along the same direction with motorists. Don't let then follow you at the back. Why do I say this, You don't have eyes at the back of your head to see some reckless bike men or even reckless motorists coming behind you.

Whether you are going to school or visiting your friends, always walk opposing the traffic flow. This is applicable to those of you that go for Roadworks
Do your jugging opposing the traffic flow.

If you really care about the welfare of your fellow students  share this post or make similar post that will put an end to any Road accident along Futo Road and the entire Futo community.

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