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Unn Postgraduate Orientation Programme Schedule – 2016/17

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN School of Postgraduate Studies orientation programme for postgraduate students admitted in 2016/2017 academic session

This is to inform all the fresh postgraduate students of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) admitted in the 2016/2017 academic session for Nsukka and Enugu Campuses,  that the School of Postgraduate Studies is organizing an orientation programme for them.
Date of the Orientation:16th May, 2017
Venue of the Orientation: Princess Alexandra Auditorium, U.N.N.
Concept Note:
In pursuit of the vision of the current University Administration to reposition its postgraduate programmes for global competitiveness, the School of Postgraduate Studies considers it needful and pertinent to organize orientation programme for its 2016/2017 intakes.  This will be a proactive enlightenment effort that will spur postgraduate students to operate at the expected high levels and minimize cases of delays in graduation, failures and mistakes that could arise from ignorance.
Programme of the Orientation:
16th May, 2017
10.00a.m – 10.05a.m: Opening Prayer.
10.05a.m – 10.20a.m : Address by the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies.
10.20a.m – 10.40a.m: Address by the Vice-Chancellor/Chairman/Declare the occasion open.
10.40a.m – 11.00a.m : Issues on Postgraduate Regulations and Time Table of Events,
T. Ugwueze, Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies
11.00a.m – 12.00 noon: Talk by Professor Clifford Odimegwu, Visiting Professor from
                                          University of Witswatersrand, Johnannesburg, South Africa
12.00 noon – 12.20a.m : Entrepreneural Package: Prof. (Mrs.) Stella Madueme, Head,
                                                Department of Economics
12.20a.m – 12.40a.m : Talk by the University Librarian
12.40 noon – 1.00 p.m : Talk by the Director, SERVICOM
1.00 p.m   – 1.20 p.m  : Talk by Director, ICT
1.20 p.m – 1.40 p.m : Speech by the Hall Warden, Odili Hall
1.40 p.m   – 2.00 p.m :  Speech by the Hall Governor (Nsukka Campus)
2.00 p.m – 2.20 p.m :  Questions/Reactions from Students
2.20 p.m – 2.25p.m : Closing Prayer.
2.30 p.m  : Tour of the University Library
All fresh postgraduate students are expected to participate.

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