96% Of Oau Medical Students Fails Medical Exam.
The Department Of MEDICAL MICROPARASITOLOGY of the Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife has Released the Results for her First Semester examination, and only 3.6% of the Students that took the exam passed and 96.4% Failed.

Note: The Medical School Pass mark is 50%.
According to one of the Students, he said "the whole Class read very well for this Exam, but we were shocked by the 41pages questions of Five single option in each question having a total of 208 questions to answer in 1hr 30minutes". The Questions were really tough".
The Lecturers also expressed their disappointment in the Students and accused them of being Lazy and nonchalant towards their Studies.
The Students accused their lecturers of being too Strict and Unfriendly, they said that there is no Lecturer-Student Relationship between them.
They ask that we put them in serious prayers.
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