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If you miss JAMB Mock, then you won't write the main UTME - JAMB

There is a line on the JAMB Mock Exam Printout that states that if you miss the JAMB Mock Exam on 7th April, then you would forfeit the actual UTME exams in May.

This notice is mainly for those, who indicated that they wanted to participate in the Mock Exams earlier during Registration. Did you also notice that condition on your own print out?
In as much as we would not want to believe that JAMB is serious about effecting that harsh penalty, we would want to encourage everyone, who indicated interest to write the JAMB Mock Exam, to make sure they are present at the venue and time for the Mock Exam, as indicated on the print out of the slip.
JAMB is obviously taking the Mock Exam seriously, and they expect that if you indicated an interest to participate in the exam, then you too should be serious about it.
JAMB may have set certain criteria, on maybe their handling capacity to conduct the 2017 UTME, and you may jeopardize the set threshold by not attending.
We therefore expect you to take the Mock Exam l

ike the Main exam, and try to attend. After all, you promised to attend.

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