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FUNAI Notice To 2nd Choice Candidates On 2016 Admission

In view of the recent changes in Admission Process, candidates who did not choose Federal University, Ndufu Alike (FUNAI) as their 1st Choice must log on to JAMB Website for completion of the process of change of Institution to enable the University submit their name to JAMB for their Admission Letter, in any case not later than Friday, 25th November, 2016.

Only those who meet the above criteria can be registered into the University’s newly approved programmes. With this, candidates admitted into Mass Communication, Biotechnology, Criminology and Security Studies, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Banking and Finance, Theatre Art, Music, the Faculties of Education and Agriculture as well as others who did not choose FUNAI as their first Choice Must complete this process before registration.

Candidates should please adhere to the above conditions in their own interest.

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