Breaking News

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Futo 2016/2017 Supplementary Form Is Not Yet Out

Debunk any rumor stating that the sales of supplementary form has commenced.
The supplementary form is expected to have surfaced online but due to some technical issues the ICT has been experiencing, it'll may also be delayed.
The sales of supplementary form will be announced as soon as it's fixed but it won't exceed two weeks.
For the newly admitted ones, you may start searching for lodges now because you may not really settle properly when the registration begins.
As for the second list, no concrete agreement has been reached but from the look of things, it may not be announced officially. When ever FUTO uploads more names, you'll hear from me.
Beware of Fraudsters.
Before engaging into any business transaction, you better call and ask questions.
If you need an answer to your question, you can call 08066005078. We'll help out

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