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7 Major Reasons Why Students Drop-Out of The University (No 4 Almost Affected You)

No one said that going to university would be easy, and many students find out the hard way. There are many contributing factors that can lead to lack of success. Some are unavoidable; some are, well, just plain irresponsibility. Either way, dropping out of college can count as a substantial loss
in the life of a student. Here are some reasons that may contribute to the drop-out motivation:
1. A Blind Eye and a Low Expectation of Academic Demand
Once students get into the thickest of their university schedule, they realize that, despite their new independence, the amount of responsibility that comes with their freedom was not at all what they anticipated. Therefore, they become burnt-out and discouraged; so they quit, whether or not their grades were lacking.
2. Life Situations and Other Outside Demands
Unfortunately, as life may dictate, unexpected life situations can occur that are of such a serious nature, the student is forced to come home. Illness or illness of a family member, financial limitations can all contribute to why a student may be forced to relinquish his or her college education for the time being.
3. The Party Animal
The balance of a social life and academics is somewhat difficult for a university student. The problem is too much of one destroys the other. The natural inclination, of course, is friends and pleasure. Drinking, staying up late, blowing off classes to the point where the student is too far behind to make up for the slack can lead to expulsion, rescinding of the parent money flow and/or a decision from the student themselves to discontinue school.
4. Broken Relationships
Finding love in the university is very common, but when love turns into loathing and heartbreak, it can easily take the student away from academics. The awkward passer-by on campus, the shared classes, the same grouping of friends, the hurtful memories, can be enough to get at least one of the two packing.
5. Homesickness
The comforts of home always seem to be desirable when a lonely and discouraged student is away in the university. Whether it is an abandoned relationship back at home or the coziness of a childhood bedroom or even the climate, some students can become so overwhelmed with grief, they cannot continue in their studies and concede.
6. Job Force: Short Term vs. Long Term
Some students who work jobs come to the conclusion that making money in the now is somehow better than investing their time in an education for possibly more money in the future, and they give up their university career to focus on their job.
7. No Individual Attention or Guidance
Growing up, we live for guidance; we thrive on structure and someone’s instruction or care. In the university, especially the first year, guidance and individual attention from a counselor or mentor may not exist in the student’s life. Not knowing where to go, how to deal with problems can lead to most of the factors I mentioned above and ultimately down the road to a failed university experience.
Drop-Out Prevention
With the exception of situations that drop from the sky, completely out of the student’s hands, everything that I mentioned above is preventable. I suggest having a mature, realistic expectation of what your first year in the university will bring and persevere through it. Be responsible. Be an adult. Invest well in your future.

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